3 Strange Invented Languages that Remain a Mystery

It is the unknown that speaks to our deep-seated curiosity, fueling the boundless depths of our imagination

Elvira Yuzbay
3 min readMay 16, 2023


random letters of an unknown language on black background
Photo by Joel Naren on Unsplash

There’s something irresistibly magnetic about the unsolved, the unexplained. Wouldn’t you agree?

Just think of the cryptic codes in Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Adventure of the Dancing Men or the enigmatic riddles in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Golden Bug that keep the reader engaged until the very end.

This fascination extends far beyond literary mysteries.

If we turn our attention to languages, a rich tapestry of creativity and ingenuity unfolds before us.

Take, for example, J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth languages or the intricate Klingon language from Star Trek — each of them carefully crafted to add depth and authenticity to their fantastical universes.

Others, like Esperanto and Volapük, were designed for more practical purposes: to serve as a lingua franca, a universal language that promotes international understanding and unity.

However, it is the languages that remain enigmatic and unexplained that add an intriguing dimension to the world’s linguistic landscape.

Codex Seraphinianus



Elvira Yuzbay
Elvira Yuzbay

Written by Elvira Yuzbay

Translator, educator and artist with many interests. Exploring, embracing, and growing. 🌻

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