For the Past Month, Every Day Was a New Discovery

But now I’m finally back home

Elvira Yuzbay
2 min readAug 26, 2023


woman sitting in nature
Photo courtesy of the author.

I’ve been absent for over a month, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I felt unmoored for what seemed like an eternity.

Leaving my home was more than leaving a place. It was a parting from a life I’d grown accustomed to, one that had seamlessly blended with my identity.

As the ground beneath my feet changed, the familiar gave way to the unknown: a foreign land, unfamiliar faces, alien culture, and peculiar traditions.

And while many dream of such adventures as tourists, I found myself completely submerged, drowning in everyday life situations like a local.

This new world, while charming, brought with it challenges that sometimes felt insurmountable.

My husband’s homeland, Azerbaijan, danced to a different rhythm — its own set of unspoken rules, expectations, and societal obligations — a rhythm starkly contrasting the West.

The crowded streets, the constant chatter, and the myriad of faces — which soon turned from strangers to family — were at times overwhelming.

Even nature seemed to converse in a different language.

But I’d be lying if I said there weren’t moments of joy and beauty — there were, without…



Elvira Yuzbay

Translator, educator and artist with many interests. Exploring, embracing, and growing. 🌻